
Think Globally, Market Locally

November 16, 2022 • Lisa Giannakopulos, SVP, Field Marketing and Sara Taylor, SVP, Field Marketing

Local audiences trust and rely on local news and information. When we drive brand awareness at the individual market level, we deliver a strategic and curated message which speaks to local consumers where they live, work, and play. This customized local outreach is a powerful extension and amplification of national marketing campaigns.

Does local marketing make a difference?

Yes, it most certainly does. For a current streaming client, by focusing on local publicity in 50 markets, we drove 18.3 billion UMV’s, generating media value of over US $66 million in just one year.

While we’re seeing a post-Covid return to the multiplex, driving theatrical box office remains a challenge. As of this summer, Morning Consult reported, only 63% of US adults felt comfortable going to a movie theater. It’s our job, as expert Field marketers, to support studio movie releases and get people off their sofas and into the cinema.

Doing so requires more than a turnkey screening program (although we do plenty of those!).

2CGM in action

For a major franchise film opening earlier this year, our strategy incorporated unique events, bespoke merchandise, and multiple promotional partners to make sure the campaign drove awareness and ticket sales.

For this particular opening, we developed a 30+ market, multi-channel North American publicity plan. It Included themed influencer events, eventized IMAX screenings, digital scavenger hunts at high-trafficked venues from zoos to comic conventions, and national morning news placements. We sent themed food trucks across the U.S. to gain attention from audiences, press and influencers. In Canada, the campaign included a brick-and-mortar pop-up shop, which offered menu items customized to the film and brought audiences in droves.

The result? This blockbuster had a tremendous opening and went on to be one of the highest-grossing films of the year so far.

Feet on the ground are key

As the only global marketing agency with over 20 regional offices, we uniquely maintain authentic, consistent relationships and conversations with local media in dozens of markets. Whether it’s new theatrical releases, returning series, or a hospitality launch, we ensure our clients’ content is top of mind and tailored to the nuances of each marketplace, media outlet and journalist.