
Consider your audience

October 07, 2022 • Shai Goller, SVP, Creative Solutions

The Insight

You know when ads for products or brands you’ve taken an interest in seem to follow you around? Does it almost feel like advertisers know you better than you know yourself?

Intrusive? Creepy? Well, the data seems to suggest otherwise.

The Data

A study by Sizmek/Amazon advertising found that:

  • Over 75% of consumers are frustrated by content which isn’t relevant to them.
  • 90% prefer a custom ad that connects with them in a personal way.
  • Personalized recommendations drive up to 5.5 times higher engagement.


When we develop our campaigns, we aim to balance a singular impactful overarching through line, with ways we can adapt it to ensure that the message is relevant to every customer.

We examine a variety of factors, including:

Location — What is this audience interested in?
When we promote titles available to watch on a streaming client’s Latin America services, we don’t just translate the US creative directly into Spanish. We think through how each sub-region will identify with the content and adapt our concepts (and language nuances) accordingly.

Values — What does this audience care about?
For a leading immersive attraction we market across the U.S., our messaging adjusts by market. In one we might focus more on the family audience; in another the after dark experience for adults.

Landscape — What similar products is this audience exposed to?
When launching a major streaming service in India, we analyzed the competitive landscape to identify ways the streamer could stand out, but also remain accessible by aligning with the way the population is accustomed to streaming.

Voice — How does this audience communicate?
When promoting a tv content-related ecommerce brand, we adapt the voice of our messaging when targeting audiences who are fans of each of its partner IPs. One show’s fans might appreciate a more lighthearted/snarky approach, while a drama’s audience strikes a more serious tone.

Occupation — Is our product relevant from a professional perspective?
For FYC/awards campaigns, we target each ceremony’s voting body (Oscars, Emmys, Golden Globes, SAG, etc.). Our creative focuses on highlighting the cast, creative and craftsmanship behind each title, in dramatic contrast to the consumer campaigns which aim at increasing subscribers and viewership.

In Summary

Advertising done well can add value to consumers’ lives. As marketers, our goal should be to demonstrate our brand or product’s purpose in as relevant and personal a way as possible.

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