
Trends in the 2023 PR Landscape

January 06, 2023 • Steve Flynn, SVP, National Publicity

What we’re seeing

As we dive into 2023 we must be keenly aware of trends in the world of publicity. While the core of publicity work remains a simple equation, the paths we take are as varied as the clients to which we cater.

Here are some PR industry trends we expect in 2023:

  • Podcasts. The number of global podcast listeners is expected to reach 500 million by year’s end. Media companies have jumped deep into the game and, more importantly, many journalists have started their own podcasts, creating a more attentive audience.
  • Online Fatigue. The Covid-inluenced trend of virtual interviews and “Zoom” coverage is wearing thin on journalists. One of our Media Trends tools, Muckrack, showed that the needs of press members to attend in-person events increased in 2022; we believe this will accelerate in 2023.
  • Integrity. Maybe the word of the year for 2022 should have been misinformation - but people wouldn't have believed it if it was! The reality is 81% of journalists believe misinformation has become a serious problem. They’re tackling it head-on by becoming increasingly vigilant about vetting pitches.

How do we approach it?

At AGM, every publicity strategy we create considers not only what journalists are covering, but how they’re doing so in a constantly-changing landscape. We’ll address this in 2023 by continuing to make sure:

  • We are a trusted source of information. Members of the press need to be confident that every pitch from us is something they can rely on.
  • Our publicity plans include all forms of media for potential coverage. While clients can sometimes focus on traditional news as the only route to success, we show them how earned media solutions and “wins” come from a wide range of outlets and media. To reach a larger audience, and ultimately be more effective for our clients, we need to open the iris considerably.
  • We provide more opportunities for journalists and content creators wanting to attend events in-person. Fortunately, at AGM, that plays right into the wheelhouse of our culture, entertainment, and lifestyle clients, which offer a world of in-person experiences. From immersive entertainment; to resorts, restaurants, and casinos; to theaters and experiential activations for streamers and studios - the opportunities are endless.

As always in our industry, we must evolve as trade and consumer attention does. The core responsibility to our clients remains the same, however: we create, expand, and customize opportunities for success with press and earned media.